Oh, well, that's pretty much my rants about bad parenting :D and now for the children's personality. You'd made him the silent and reticent character he was, you'd made him saw how he was never loved by his own mother, and before you died, you disowned him as your son. Even until the end, she never did acknowledge her mistake and just threw all the blames on her son. I really wanted to give her back her words he'd said to the 4th prince: "In her heart, she knows what a big fat liar she is." that, if she still had enough consciousness to see her own fault, but she apparently did not. You wanted the 4th prince to just become whatever and the 14th prince be the Emperor. She kept saying she loved and cared for both her sons equally, with no difference, and only wished for them to get along. She was hypocrite imho and I hated her for that. Yongzheng was a dedicated (although ruthless) emperor who worked himself to death and his son Qianlong was just as terrific as Kangxi himself.Īnother horrible parent who played favoritism so much a blind man could see it. I do believe Kangxi sent the 14th prince to the battles to keep him away from the Forbidden City so the 4th Prince's ascension to the throne could run smoothly.

And then he could not be just and iron-handed like his brother Yongzheng was, who fought corrupted official without bias. The 8th and 9th princes could be the ones running the country in the background and the nice 14th prince would not even realize it. In the real history and this story, if 14th prince became the Emperor, he would become a puppet of his alliance. (3)A terrific Emperor himself, Kangxi might have realized what would happen if he left the throne to 14th. (2)Kangxi hated the 8th Prince for creating a rift in the court, threatening his power as Emperor. (1)The 14th Prince had been allying himself with the 8th Prince. Truly, I don't understand the Emperor's love.Īnd by the way, for the matter of debatable successor history wise, I don't believe Kangxi intended to have the 14th Prince for the throne.

What the hell did the Emperor wanted then? If he reported it, Kangxi would think he didn't value family bond and if he did not report it, he would be accused of covering up a corruption. One thing that got me confused was when the 4th prince found out about one of his brothers' corruption case and the 4th prince was like in a died-if-he-did and died-if-he-did-not situation. Kangxi seriously needed to learn this to govern his family. You turned blind eyes to it and he would only get worse. People, if you really, really, really care for someone, when he committed a bad thing, fixed it when you see it. He wanted his sons to love each other like family, yet he didn't set a good example as a father. If he really loved his son, he should have mended his behavior before it reached to the point of no return. What kind of good father overlooked his son wrongdoings? If the nine princes fought for the throne, it was only because Kangxi had chosen an undeserving heir as a crown prince (supposedly out of parental love). But as father, he needed to shut himself in a room to reflect about how he had driven his sons to be the way they were. Well, Kangxi's favoritism is pretty much the same with the actual history, but I don't know about De Fei). Imho, these horrible parents were the one who'd put a strong foundation in their sons tragic stories (in the books, by the way, not in the real story. It wasn't the children who shaped their parents' personality, but the parents who shaped their children personality. It may be surprising to some, but they are the Emperor Kangxi and De Fei. So I'll start with the characters review, and here I present the characters I dislike the most. I like the political theme, the olden day culture in the Manchu-led Qing Dynasty, the tumultuous lives in the palace, the beautiful romances that took one step at a time, the not-so-accurate-but-acceptable history mixes, and. I'm not going to review the story because it will be long like. and it made me sighed like dozen times "If only. There was one thing, only one single thing, that had driven the whole tragedy to roll. I wonder why the everlasting love story is never the happy one and for me, the romance in this story fit perfectly to the 'Romeo and Juliet' category. I need to make up my mind whether to bury the book (my tablet, most likely) in my front yard out of frustration or try to accept the ending as it is. I like the story so much I loath the ending.